Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Chinese reconfiguration of economy and preparation for cultural export

Chinese programmes and media corporations have greatly filled their coffers these past few years with their tremendously popular song competition programmes which have seen influence in South Asia.

take a look at the scale of these programmes

and these are done on weekly basis.

So recently, there has been a bit of restrictions from the authorities, clamping down on the impressions that these shows will make on the youths.


That's not all. Culture is one of the biggest export a country has. In fact, without cultural export, you can forget about Margin. This is also one of the reasons Japanese and Korean exports have reversed positions over the past 17 years.

Previously Japanese cultural export via their anime, manga, movies, songs has tremendous benefit and supports their exports of other products. In recent decades, they have been taken over by Korea. You can see this effect on your supermarket selves or cosmetic products.

China, it seems, realizes this:

2016年11月,有韩国媒体不断炒作中国发布“限韩令”的消息。中国外交部发言人耿爽已在21日的例行记者会上表示,没有听说所谓的“限韩令”。[1] 2016年12月6日,上海市文化广播影视管理局日前批准韩国双人组合乐童音乐家在上海举办演唱会。这是自2016年10月以来中方首次批准韩国歌手在华举办演唱会